Tugas Akhir
Melestarikan Kesenian Barong Melalui Motif Batik
Indonesia has various regional arts with all forms that have aesthetic value
and are rich in sources of inspiration. Each art gives its own satisfaction to its
audience. An artist can take advantage of all forms of artistic beauty as the source
of the idea of creation, such as Barongan Art Blora. As an entertaining regional
performing arts, figures in Barongan Blora Arts also have a unique and interesting
form of visualization. The appeal is the source of the author's idea to be poured
into a batik motif and applied to a long cloth or jarik cloth with a blend of inland
motifs namely Batik Truntum Motif and complete with kebaya clothing as his
The creation of this work the author uses two methods, namely the
aesthetic approaches and ergonomic approaches. Methods of data collection with
literature study, both from books and google book with scan and copy techniques.
The creation method based on Gustami Sp's 3-step 6-step theory, which starts
from the exploration method, the design of the work, and the realization of the
Creation of the resulting work is 6 kebaya clothing and 6 pieces of fabric
with the overall model of two pieces. Sihai krah model with Polyester border
fabric material, shantung border and Batik Tulis. The colors used are different but
still matching, the classic colors of Yogyakarta. Classic colors are taken to give a
graceful and elegant impression.
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